Hidden Gems® WOTC 1st Edition (1st WOTC PSA graded Card) (Boxbreak)

139,95 inkl. MwSt

    • Exklusiv nur bei uns erhältlich! 
    • Product Highlights:

      • 1x PSA Graded WOTC Card: Each box contains one carefully selected WOTC card that has been professionally graded by PSA, ensuring its authenticity and quality.
      • Minimum Grade of 8: We guarantee that the included card will have a minimum grade of 8, promising excellent condition and value.
      • 1 in 3 Boxes Contains PSA 10: For those looking for the ultimate gem, there’s a 1 in 3 chance that your box will contain a card graded PSA 10, the highest grade possible, indicating a card in perfect condition.
      • 1 in 10 Boxes Contains PSA 10 Holo: Elevate your collection with a 1 in 10 chance of receiving a PSA 10 Holo card, featuring the rare and highly sought-after holographic designs.

    Achtung: Dies ist ein BoxBreak Produkt. Die Box wird bei Erwerb live im nächsten Stream geöffnet und kann nicht zurückgegeben werden.


  • Exklusiv nur bei uns erhältlich! 
  • Product Highlights:

    • 1x PSA Graded WOTC Card: Each box contains one carefully selected WOTC card that has been professionally graded by PSA, ensuring its authenticity and quality.
    • Minimum Grade of 8: We guarantee that the included card will have a minimum grade of 8, promising excellent condition and value.
    • 1 in 3 Boxes Contains PSA 10: For those looking for the ultimate gem, there’s a 1 in 3 chance that your box will contain a card graded PSA 10, the highest grade possible, indicating a card in perfect condition.
    • 1 in 10 Boxes Contains PSA 10 Holo: Elevate your collection with a 1 in 10 chance of receiving a PSA 10 Holo card, featuring the rare and highly sought-after holographic designs.
Achtung: Dies ist ein BoxBreak Produkt. Die Box wird bei Erwerb live im nächsten Stream geöffnet und kann nicht zurückgegeben werden.

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